Charleston West Virginia Economic Development

Discussions on Economic and Community Development in West Virginia and the Charleston MSA as well as issues of the Charleston Regional Chamber of Commerce.

Friday, June 20, 2008

I Am the East End

The East End of Charleston is full of rich culture, uniqueness and history.

The current revitalization process of providing new restaurants, West Virginia Power Park, the Clay Center, a dog park and free wireless internet for all businesses and residents is turning the East End into the premier neighborhood to live and raise a family.

My wife and I feel very connected to the East End, as it was the first and current neighborhood we lived in after we got married. The walkability during the Garden Showcase, East End Yard Sale and FestivALL events, along with more invested residents and community volunteers, have made the East End a safer and more vibrant community for decades to come.

Come join us on Everyone's East End!

- Ric Cavender


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