Charleston West Virginia Economic Development

Discussions on Economic and Community Development in West Virginia and the Charleston MSA as well as issues of the Charleston Regional Chamber of Commerce.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Creating New Bloggers at the Charleston Area Alliance

Up until about 6 months ago, I, Matthew Ballard, maintained this blog as a way to disseminate information about the Alliance and about the principles of economic development in West Virginia and in our local region. As I became President, we are using the blog more now to communicate with our young professionals committee (now over 295 people) and to talk more about the Alliance globally.

About 5-6 months ago, I was able to help Drew Dunlap and Jama Jarrett of our staff to use the blog. They are now both contributing to the content. So welcome to the world of blogging Drew and Jama. It is always good to have a few more of us getting the word out about our wonderful region and state and the Alliance which is truly leading in economic and community development as well as our Chamber issues.

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