Home and Garden Telev-ision shows have become increasingly popular with viewers over the last two years.The State of West Virginia is scheduled to be a chosen location for an upcoming episode of “What You Get For The Money.”
“What You Get For The Money” is a thirty minute television show featured on HGTV and Fine Living Networks. It highlights homes that are immaculately decorated in areas of interest to their viewers.In April, show producers will be bringing their cameras to West Virginia, and home owners are encouraged to apply for an audition for the show.
Erin Woodward, casting producer for “What You Get For Your Money” stated they are eager to highlight beautiful homes and enthusiastic homeowners across the country, and looks forward to seeing homes that fit their show's criteria within the state and welcomes the chance to meet residents in local areas.“The homes need to be stylishly designed with a contemporary flair, similar to what one might find in magazines such as Dwell or Metropolitan Home.The value of these homes needs to be within the range of $150,000 to 1.2 million,” says Woodward.
Each episode of the popular show includes background information about the featured city, community, lifestyles and housing costs.If you or someone you know would be interested in auditioning a home for this honor, please send a few digital photos of the exterior and interior of the home along with information including the current value and location in an e-mail to Erin Woodward at EWoodard@highnoonentertainment.com with the “West Virginia Casting Call” in the subject header.You may also call 303-712-3095 for additional information.Entries must be received by March 16, 2007 to be considered for the show.
Labels: HGTV, West Virginia